A Doctorate in Education Delivered at an Exceptional Value

A Proven Partner in Education

Through our exclusive partnership with American College of Education (ACE), you can receive exceptionally low tuition and the satisfaction of earning a doctoral degree from one of the top schools of education in the country, Check out their credentials below.
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Of employers say ACE graduates exceed their expectations
ACE college systems, Office of Institutional Analytics, 2022 Biennial Employer Survey
# 0
Ranked #2 online college based on quality by Newsweek
Newsweek, America's Top Online Colleges and America's Top Online Learning Providers 2023
0 -3 Years
Complete your doctoral program in 2-3 years
0 Credits
Roll up to 9 Learners Edge credits into Ed.D program

Complete a Doctorate of Education with ACE for 77% Less than the National Average

Doctoral Programs

With Teaching Channel Discount
$23,000 – $27,000

When Transferring
Up to 9 Teaching Channel graduate-level course credits

Average ACE Cost
(without our discount)

National Average Cost
of an Ed.D. Degree